Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Getting Your Electronic Fix

I started smoking three years ago, and I have regretted that first puff ever since. There is absolutely nothing more frustrating than the constant nag of a nicotine addiction. It calls to you, beckons you away from your work or study, forces you to feel uncomfortable – even while laying down in bed – and it does this all while my enjoyment of cigarettes left a long time ago.

Being a smoker used to be an enjoyable afternoon break from reality. It allowed me to take a couple minutes away from life, smoking and talking to other smoker friends. Then these small breaks became more frequent. Two, three, four, six, a whole pack in one day, and then it became twice an hour, or even twice in one sitting! I was no longer smoking a cigarette; nicotine had me by the lungs and it was not letting go.

I panicked; I had become a chronic smoker. There is absolutely nothing worse than being just another number among the millions of other chronic smokers. Thoughts of being a statistic raced through my head – there had to be a way out of this situation.

It was time to search the market for something that could break this nicotine ball-and-chain off my leg. I looked at the gum and the patches, but they just did not feel right. The lack of holding a cigarette with my fingers was killing me. There had to be something else out there that could help me quit smoking, while giving me the sensation of smoking – as strange as that may be.

This was when I discovered the electronic cigarette. The concept of smoking an electronic cigarette blew my mind. I kept thinking to myself, There is absolutely no way something like this can exist, but here it is, in my hands, satiating my cravings like the real thing. This was the first time I felt like I was in control of my nicotine addiction.

If you have never heard of the electronic cigarette, and you want to get some control over your nicotine addiction, here is some information on the amazing device:

• There is no cigarette smoke inhalation. The device releases water vapor that simulates the sensation of inhaling smoke.
• The water vapors are said to simulate the feeling of inhaling smoke, giving you the true smoking experience without all of the terrible side effects.
• The e-cigarette contains nicotine chambers in the device. These chambers are how you will get your nicotine fix.
• You can purchase nicotine chambers that vary in strength. This allows you to customize how much nicotine is entering your system. It gives you direct control over your ability to slowly wean yourself away from your nicotine addiction.
• The electronic cigarette can be smoked indoors. There are no chemicals or cigarette smoke released while smoking, so it is perfectly acceptable to smoke it anywhere.

Honestly, if you have never heard of or seen the electronic cigarette, you need to do some research right now. If not for the simple fact that you can smoke it indoors, you should at least look into it for the fact that it does not contains any chemicals normal cigarettes contain.

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