Thursday, September 30, 2010

Evol Nutrition - GHF-1

Getting large, firm muscle gains is all about taking the right supplement. Evol Nutrition has created GHF-1 for this specific reason. It is a supplement designed to increase the body’s ability to process and develop muscles. Most workout enthusiasts will be surprised to learn that the body can often have trouble using up protein and supplements to produce muscle. GHF-1 can help ensure that the nutrients you put into your body actually help your body.

Absorption Deficiency

The body consumes nutrients and uses them to produce biological results. This is basic knowledge that everyone knows. The issue is that not all of the nutrients you put into your body are absorbed and used. Lots of people cram nutrients into their system without any of it even reaching their muscles or organs. It is just flushed right through. GHF-1 counteracts this absorption deficiency by increasing the body’s anabolic phase.

Anabolic Phase

GHF-1 has been designed to increase your body’s ability to process nutrients into your muscles. This process often occurs during the anabolic phase after a workout. This is the phase where the body delivers protein and other vitamins right into the muscles, plumping them up and helping them recover. By enhancing this anabolic phase, GHF-1 increases the amount of lean, firm muscle you will be developing. There is only a handful of supplements that can increase your anabolic phase, and none of them do it as well as GHF-1.

Growth Hormone Precursors

There are only certain supplement companies that understand what it takes to create a real anabolic enhancing product. GHF-1 contains the specific growth hormone precursors that enable your body to recreate the effect of growth hormones. This creates a biological environment that reproduces the same effects as someone who is in their mid-teens or younger twenties. If you are already someone in this age range, it just boosts the already natural effects.

Muscle Tissue Damage

More important than getting results is repairing the damage that was done during an intense workout. Without this repair process, you will not be able to produce massive results. Your body will be too burnt out to continue workout out for an extended period of time. Instead of being forced to rest and relax for days after an intense workout, GHF-1 can actually ensure that your body does not go through an extended period of recovery. It speeds up the recovery process through the anabolic increase, giving you a total muscle development boost.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Liquid Red Dawn

Ecstasy is a regular addition to parties, but the illegal part sort of makes it a big no-no. Thankfully, there is Liquid Red Dawn, which is an herbal supplement that has been regularly labeled “herbal ecstasy.” It gives you all of the same symptoms as regular ecstasy, but without the negative side effects that come with it. All you have to do is purchase it to see for yourself.
Heightened Physical Sensation

The main thing about taking ecstasy is that it gives your body an increased sense of physical pleasure. Your skin reacts to feelings must more frequently, and your whole body feels lighter than air. You want to move because you want to experience, and this is what Liquid Red Dawn can do for you. All of the herbal ingredients recreate this sensational feeling, but they do it in a much more natural, safe way. You just have to worry about dancing and enjoy your night to the fullest.

One of the main problems with taking ecstasy is that your body becomes dehydrated easily. Combine this with the dancing and you can put your body at risk. Liquid Red Dawn does not have this adverse side effect. It does not cause your body to lose water or sweat. The only sweating you will be doing is through the natural process from dancing and moving. Drink water as is normally required, and focus on having fun.


Almost every pill of ecstasy contains some amount of caffeine or energy booster. Liquid Red Dawn recreates this through the same ingredients that can be used in energy drinks. You get a huge blast of energy straight to your system, which is perfect when you have a whole night ahead of you, dancing and mingling with people. And this energy is going to be perfect for when you want your body to feel and experience everything around it.

After Effects

Ecstasy plagues the body with all sorts of nasty after effects. For example, some people hallucinate, others vegetate, and some people become depressed. Liquid Red Dawn does none of this to you. You just get to enjoy the night and not have to worry about some terrible downfall afterward or the next day. It is just straight, pure herbal fun, which means that it is a holistic experience. Try it for yourself and see just how much fun you can have without all of the unnecessary chemicals.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Vasopro Replacements Are Limited

For anyone that has been living under a rock for a while, Vasopro is no longer on the market. Go ahead, cry all you want, but it will not be coming back. Thankfully, there is a replacement that is just as good, and some people say better, than its predecessor - Proefed. This means that you can still get the same benefits of Vasopro from a very similar product. Now, just to make sure you are going to be satisfied with this replacement, let’s look at Proefed.

The first thing you will notice is that it contains 25mg of Ephedrine HCL. That is the same ingredient that made Vasopro such an amazing supplement. You will still get the focused, concentrated, energetic feeling you got from Vasopro. This makes it perfect for anyone that lives and works under high-stress conditions and they need a little boost. But this is not all that Proefed has been used for. It also greatly helps with anyone that needs a bronchodilator.

Proefed was originally designed to assist with asthma and breathing. As stated in the previous paragraph, this is not all it is capable of doing. Regardless, this supplement makes it possible to fight off the usual asthma symptoms, allowing you to do about your business, enjoying your life. This should never be taken without your doctor’s permission, though, because asthma is no joke. The last thing you want is to be caught somewhere without your inhaler, choking in a bush, cursing your Proefed.

Vasopro was a popular supplement among individuals looking to workout and get fit. This can seem odd, but you only have to look at the previous effects to see why someone would take it for that reason. Workout enthusiasts need to focus during their sessions. They also need to have open airways for maximum oxygen intake. Are you starting to see the picture now? Proefed is the perfect workout supplement for anyone that wants to get serious about working out.

There are lots of people who swear by Proefed - and most of these people used to swear by Vasopro. Don’t let the discontinuation of a product put you down. Proefed is designed to be the perfect replacement supplement, and you can still utilize it for whatever purpose you may have. All you have to do is go online and find a retailer that can offer you a great deal on this product.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Information on Weight Loss Products

Besides fitness questions, I get a lot of questions about weight loss products. These questions mainly focus on which weight loss products someone should take to get the most results. It’s never a simple question to answer, so I’m just going to detail the different types of weight loss products. This should give you some information to make an educated decision on your own.

Diet Pills

There are many different types of diet pills out there. You should never just pick one up and expect it to give you everything you need. There are some that trick your body into believing it is full so you do not eat, but there are others that speed up your metabolism and burn more calories than normal. These are two very different types of diet pills, but there are some that combine the two. Your best bet would be to match the diet pill effect with your fitness goals. For example, if you feel you eat too much, get one that tricks your body into feeling full; help losing a couple pounds, get a metabolism booster.

Meal Replacements

Not all weight loss products alter the way your body loses weight and burns calories. Some of them are designed to give you a nutritional meal with less calories than you normally intake. This is where a meal replacement comes into play. These nutritional bars are designed to give you a ton of nutrients with very little fat and calories. This leaves your body full and energized, without the bloated feeling that comes from oils in processed foods.

Heat and Thermogenics

Something needs to be said about the power of body heat. Your body burns more calories when it is trying to heat itself up than it does cooling down. Theoretically, someone living in a colder climate should burn more calories throughout the day than someone living in a warmer climate. This concept has actually been utilized in numerous weight loss products, which are known as thermogenics. These pills cause the body to burn extra calories, releasing them as heat. This way you can literally feel the calories being burned off.

Weight Loss Product Abuse

The one thing you should keep in mind is that you never want to abuse your weight loss products. They are not designed to be permanently used. They should be a fix to a temporary problem.

Some Basic Nutritional and Fitness Questions

Everyday I receive loads of nutritional and fitness questions. Most of them discuss how losing weight and staying fit has become a main part of our society. In order to remain in the positive limelight you must keep your body finely tuned. This occurs by exercising daily and eating loads of raw vegetables or fruits. But, these two factors are not always easily attainable. For this reason, here are some common fitness questions that people ask me all the time, with my personal given answers.

Do I need to lose weight?

People always focus too much on their overall weight. This is the wrong mentality you want to have when pursuing a life of fitness and nutrition. Your BMI, or body mass index, does not predict whether you will lead a healthy life or not. Muscle weighs more than fat and it can easily throw off your BMI number. So, this is how I will answer this question, “Do not exercise to lose weight. Exercise to be active.”

Why is it important for me to be active?

Your body is the primal, basic human tool. Our ancestors used their bodies to run, jump, hunt, hide, fight, and survive in the wilderness. We don’t really have to do much of that anymore, but our bodies are still designed for it. You cannot disregard your primal ancestry and just consume large amounts of food. This will lead to a sedentary life, loads of health problems, and a miserably inactive life. Your body is a machine that needs to run, move and stay active to remain healthy, so get off your feet and use it.

What foods should I eat?

This is the most basic of all fitness questions. You see, during the 1960s and 1970s, there was this huge food revolution that occurred. People stopped eating vegetables and fruits all the time. They switched their diets to a more meat based one. To make matters worse, natural foods became processed. Instead of buying a fresh pear, you get them in cans. Instead of cooking a fresh meal, you can microwave it. This was the beginning of our downfall.

And to put it plainly, stop eating processed foods!

There is nothing worse for your system than a bunch of high caloric foods with almost no nutritional value. Raw vegetables and fruits contain bountiful amounts of vitamins and minerals, but your average fast food hamburger contains almost none. What it does have is a bunch of processed fats and oils, pretty much everything your body doesn’t want.

I hope this answered some of your nutritional and fitness questions. I’ll write another article about fitness goals a little later today, so check back for an update.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Universal Nutrition - Animal Methoxy Stak

Bodybuilders are always looking for ways to boost their anabolic phase after a workout. Animal Methoxy Stak is the perfect product to give you the anabolic boost that you crave and want after an intense workout. It does this without all of the negative side-effects that are normally associated with an anabolic stack. And, to make it even sweeter, it does this all without introducing outside hormones into the system. Sound too good to be true? Read on, because it’s true.

The anabolic phase occurs when your body has enough nutrients and raw materials to repair all of the damage that occurred during a workout. You need to have enough protein, carbohydrates and calories in your system for your body to be really benefit from your last workout. This can be an issue, because most people do not eat enough before their workout to get the exact results they want. This is where Animal Methoxy Stak comes into play.

Animal Methoxy Stak gives your body a huge boost of nutrients, allowing it to have a surplus. This surplus of nutrients is what increases your anabolic phase after a workout. All of the nutrients and ingredients it gives your system are naturally made, which means that there are no hormone altering substances. Normal hormone altering supplements can cause serious damage to the liver, but you will not find that in Animal Methoxy Stak.

Would you rather force your way through a door or gently open it up? Forcing your way through might tear the door off its hinges. It may look cool, but then you have a broken door to fix. Gently opening achieves the same results and it does it without all of the extra damage. This is exactly what Animal Methoxy Stak can do with your system. It encourages your body to produce more testosterone and HGH, without throwing your whole system out of control.

The best part about Animal Methoxy Stak is that you will not have to spend a load of money on another supplement after your cycle. There is no need to cleanse your liver or wipe your system of any leftover supplement remnants. You just keep on about your business, knowing that you have spent your time and money well. If you are sick of worrying about physical damage caused by an anabolic stak, switch over to something else that can get you the results without the panic or worry.