Getting large, firm muscle gains is all about taking the right supplement. Evol Nutrition has created GHF-1 for this specific reason. It is a supplement designed to increase the body’s ability to process and develop muscles. Most workout enthusiasts will be surprised to learn that the body can often have trouble using up protein and supplements to produce muscle. GHF-1 can help ensure that the nutrients you put into your body actually help your body.
Absorption Deficiency
The body consumes nutrients and uses them to produce biological results. This is basic knowledge that everyone knows. The issue is that not all of the nutrients you put into your body are absorbed and used. Lots of people cram nutrients into their system without any of it even reaching their muscles or organs. It is just flushed right through. GHF-1 counteracts this absorption deficiency by increasing the body’s anabolic phase.
Anabolic Phase
GHF-1 has been designed to increase your body’s ability to process nutrients into your muscles. This process often occurs during the anabolic phase after a workout. This is the phase where the body delivers protein and other vitamins right into the muscles, plumping them up and helping them recover. By enhancing this anabolic phase, GHF-1 increases the amount of lean, firm muscle you will be developing. There is only a handful of supplements that can increase your anabolic phase, and none of them do it as well as GHF-1.
Growth Hormone Precursors
There are only certain supplement companies that understand what it takes to create a real anabolic enhancing product. GHF-1 contains the specific growth hormone precursors that enable your body to recreate the effect of growth hormones. This creates a biological environment that reproduces the same effects as someone who is in their mid-teens or younger twenties. If you are already someone in this age range, it just boosts the already natural effects.
Muscle Tissue Damage
More important than getting results is repairing the damage that was done during an intense workout. Without this repair process, you will not be able to produce massive results. Your body will be too burnt out to continue workout out for an extended period of time. Instead of being forced to rest and relax for days after an intense workout, GHF-1 can actually ensure that your body does not go through an extended period of recovery. It speeds up the recovery process through the anabolic increase, giving you a total muscle development boost.